Attention App Developers

We have a new partnership program just for you.

M2Catalyst has been partnering with developers like you to collect valuable network performance data. Our purpose in collecting data is to evaluate device performance when connected to mobile or Wi-Fi networks for the telecom industry.

Our SDK offers market-leading rates

and a simple integration process:

One-time Integration Fee:

Paid once your app with our SDK is live on Google Play.

Monthly Revenue Payments:

Made within 10 business days of month-end.

Payment amount based on volume of user data and location.

Why M2’s SDK?

Lightweight & battery-efficient

Respects user consent & privacy

No personal data collected

Easy integration in under an hour

SDK minimal requirements for monetization:

Android application only. No iOS.

Precise location

To learn more about this program, please fill out the

contact form below and someone on our team will

respond within 48 hours of receiving your inquiry.

Contact Us

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